

I did a stand-up comedy gig in Reigate on Sunday night in air of the War Child charity. And half way through the gig I realised all the acts, all the audience, wouldn't be there, having a fun time, if it were for one thing...


So, lets have a round of applause for war ladies and gentlemen.


Sign Of The Times

On the way into work I have to go on Hazlett Avenue, and there are roadworks there that have blocked off a way for people to cross the road. So someone has put up a handwritten sign reading: "Pedestrians crossing, ECL slow."

ECL? What that heck?

It can't be short for extremely because there ain't a C in that. So I'm driving along there not knowing in which way they want me to be slow.

I know INCL is used as an abbreviation for 'including'. Do they want me to drive through there "excluding slow"? Wouldn't they mean they want me to drive fast? The reckless fools.

So kids, they next time you don't pay attention in school just realise one day you could grow up to write a sign by the side of a road and your abbreviating skills could cause the death of some innocent pedestrian. So study hard kids.

That was a public information announcement on behalf of a patronising DJ.