

Walking past a church today, I looked up to see the interesting architecture... but I noticed this...

A sign saying, "Except Loading" next to a graveyard... on Twitpic

Hmm. A sign saying, "except for loading" put up next to a graveyard. Probably not the best idea. 'Loading' is not the nicest way to refer to what happens there.

And, even though it's faded, you can see the sign bans cars and motorbikes 'except for loading'. I know you can get some wacky funerals these days but would you want to be 'loaded' off the back of a bike?

What Just Happened

I got home to find a little red card from the Post Office saying I had to go to pick up something they tried to deliver (when I wasn't in) and suddenly it's my problem.

So, I head to the main Post Office, queue with the old people, get my thing and head home. But when I finally get back in the house, it was later than I thought and my flies were undone. Looking at that evidence here's only one thing I think could've happened. I must've been hypnotised by a randy old woman.

Or I suppose a randy old man. Either one of those two possibilities must be when happened. In fact the old man is more likely to carry the required pocket watch.

Golden Idea

The United States Gold Bureau is a site that gives you the option to do like a lot of investors are doing these days and Invest in gold.

Not just gold, they have the facility to let you buy silver or other precious and rare transition metals.

It's not just a trend, it's a sensible option, as gold has a permanency that other investments do not share, especially in these times of economic troubles. Look at it this way, if you had all your money invested in some Irish company at the start of the month, you'd have a lot less money now. But if you had your wealth in gold at the start of the month, you'd still have it, and the price has been going up recently.

I'm A Celeb 4

Still watching I'm A Celeb/thinking angry things about Gillian McKeith.

Oooh, the big row between Gillian and Stacey. Stacey said that if Gillian didn't enjoy her time on the show she should just leave. And the rest of the viewing public shouted "Yeah!" in agreement.

I love it when Stacey talks sense in her dizzy voice. It's like getting a Rolax wrapped in a Aldi bag.

I'm A Celeb 3

Still watching I'm A Celeb/thinking angry things about Gillian McKeith.

She keeps preaching to everyone. Just because she is scared of water doesn't mean she has the right to tell people they don't have the right to have opinions. She has her head so far up her arse right now.

Let's he honest, if she has her head up her arse she'll be able to see her own poo, so that'll keep her happy for a while.


I have been reading about mesothelioma. It is a trulu scary illness. It is a form of cancer that is thankfully rare but terribly devastating. It is caused by exposure to asbestos. When the asbestos fibre particles are inhaled they go to the lungs and stay there. The body cannot break them down and pass them on so they just sit there. The body then produces mesothelioma tumors. They are the body's defence to stop these particles getting to the internal organs.

There are legal issues over this illness because exposure to asbestos can often be someone's responsibility. The Houston asbestos lawyer of Heard Robins Cloud & Black know all about these cases. You can find out about the services they could provide you or your loved one by seeing their website at www.texas-mesothelioma-lawyers.com

I'm A Celeb 2

Still watching I'm A Celeb/thinking angry things about Gilliam McKeith.

Gillian said she wants to be Stacey's friend when they get out. Haven't you already made her suffer enough?

And then Gillian said that the one person who can understand what she is going through is Katie Price. Well, Katie Price and Gillian McKeith have so much in common. Erm... well... ah... they're both known for having big bulges sticking out of their torso.


I'm A Celeb 1

Another evening of watching I'm A Celeb. Or to put it another way, an evening of thinking angry things about Gilliam McKeith.

She keeps saying, "You don't understand phobias," to everyone, as if we don't have the right to have opinions about her situation. Well, Gillian. I understand phobias. I have a doctorate in phobias. I bought it off the same website you got yours from. OK?


Metal Options

I have been reading about the United States Gold Bureau. It's a place where you can buy metal, be it silver of gold as bullion or coins. When you think about metals as in investment it all comes down to timing. Gold is an investment that people turn to during times of economic hardship as companies become less of a reliable investment option.

And silver reserves are running low while demand is staying healthy, which means the price will increase as the balance between supply and demand changes.

Those are two examples of how metals are having a resurgence as investment options. To see more have a look at www.usgoldbureau.com

Guilty Pleasure

I have to admit, I have a guilty pleasure. When no one else is in, and the curtains are closed, I sometimes put the TV on to The Only Way Is Essex.

The people on that show are so shallow. It's amazing. They make Jordan look intellectual. What kind of a message does that show give our kids? Be a total dim waste of space and you'll get on national TV. Work hard at school... and you'll get nothing.

Nice Circle

I am sure you have come across the concept of the vicious circle. Where one leads leads to another and before long that effect has become the it's own indirect cause. If left unbroken this vicious circle will make the situation go from bad to worse. It's a feedback loop that becomes hard to escape.

But if a vicious circle exists it must also be possible to have the opposite; a positive version of the vicious circle – a nice circle, if you will.

This would be a situation where one thing leads to another and that improves on the original situation, and round and round it goes. Each loop of the nice circle makes the whole system better.

One example has to be that of someone's credit score. If you have a poor credit score it will be unlikely that you will be able to get credit. You're stuck and things are going to improve for you. But if you can find a way to get some credit, then what happens?

You borrow. You get the credit and you repay that credit within the appropriate time. By paying it all off without any problem your credit score will improve. Now, with a better credit score you should be able to find it easier to get credit. Pay that off and you will be improving your credit score again, which will lead to an increased ability to borrow. It's a nice circle.

The only difficulty with a nice circle is getting on it in the first place. And that's where sites like www.americancreditreport.net can help. On the site you can get your Free Credit Score to find out where you stand. And when you know your Credit Report you know what problems and weaknesses you have to deal with. Use the help and advice to improve your situation and you should be able to get credit. And from that point on you can ride the nice circle till you get a better American Credit Report in the future.

You have to be realistic, you won't sort all of your issues over night. And you have to be responsible, if you fail to repay something you will put yourself back at the start of your nice circle journey. But using the information you can get from the web and a sense of how the system works you can use the nice circle concept to improve your situation.


Bonfire Night

I was out tonight, and the area of London I was in I could hear some lovely fireworks going off nearby. Or it was terrorism. It's kind of hard to tell which these days.

About 400 years ago someone tried to blow something up in England because of religious reasons and we celebrate it. This year someone tries to blow something up in England for religious reasons and they stop us taking ink on planes. Tut.


Testing Your Metal

Metals are amazing. They're malleable and have let humans make objects that have shaped the world around them, from iron in our buildings, aluminium in our aircraft and copper in our electrics. But isn't it gold that really shaped society. Before any of those items were being made it was the pursuit of gold that motivated people to greatness.

For centuries people have collected gold and used it as a way to accrue and preserve wealth. It's still going on today. After the recession hit investors moved towards gold as a stable investment for their money.

Whether it's gold coins or gold bars, more people are keeping their money in gold. So even today it's the metal that makes the world go round.


The recent bomb scare on the planes has been worrying. Toner cartridges were used to get the explosives on board and they were found just in time.

So, Al Qaeda are using ink as a weapon. And octopuses are thinking, "Bloody copycats!"

We'll no longer be allowed to take ink toner on flights! Better cancel my tickets to InkJet Con 2010. Damn, it would've been fun.

Same-Sex Pair On Strictly Come Dancing

Israel has broken the Strictly Come Dancing mould with the first same sex couple in its version of the show.

It's a shame we didn't do it first. It would've been great to see Ann Widdecomb teamed up with a butch lesbian. Well, anyone other than Antoine du Beke would be an improvement.

Lesbian sports presenter Gili Shem Tov says it is right she should perform in Israel's Dancing With The Stars with a woman.

It's right and it is progressive but it's on a show that judges people for doing old style dancing.

Gili has teamed up with heterosexual professional dancer Dorit Milman to form the first woman-woman pair on the show since Britain invented the format six years ago.

Maybe it's something that other TV shows should learn from. Instead of All Star Mr & Mrs there should be All Star Mrs & Mrs. Instead of the sitcom Men Behaving Badly there should be Women Behaving Badly.

But it swings both ways. Instead of X Factor... XY Factor. Come on ladies, it's only fair.

>Read the source story

Twice As Nice Without The Lice

Got head lice? That's not like a 'got milk' thing. I'm not saying you should go out and get some. But if you have them I have some good advice on how to deal with the situation. It's lice advice.

First, it's likely your children are the ones to bring them into the house. One idea would be to get rid of the children to make sure you don't get reinfected, but I guess people won't go with that idea.

Step two is to get some of the advanced treatments that are available these days. For example, in Houston lice treatment services from the Lice Removal Resource Center, Inc, can be found on the stoplicenow.com site.

If you have head lice, nymphs or nits in your family you can get them sorted. Get your heads clean again so you don't keep passing it from one member of the family to another.

And that's my lice advice. How nice.


Poor old Jason Manford. He was in the newspaper today for sending some flirty direct messages on Twitter so some innocent woman... who sent him some pictures of her boobies and then went to the national papers about it.

Yeah, tut JM, sounds like you corrupted such a sweet girl.

It must be a slow news day if someone flirting on Twitter is a front page story. I think it happens every day.

I mean, it happens on Twitter every day. I don't mean it's a daily routine for Jason. Oh dear, I was trying to help him out but I think I have just made it sound worse.

Hmm. Mouse-aka!

Have a look at this. It's a mouse that's being eaten by a big-ass frog. That's not the technical name for the species of frog but it really should be.

The 4lb African Bullfrog made short work of its tiny prey with the help of razor-sharp teeth. Ouch.

We've all had a frog in our throats before, so this is really payback.