
Hard Assets

What a time it has been in the money markets. Where do you but your money to keep it safe? Property? Well, house prices have been slipping and as mortgage lenders have been in trouble there will be fewer people able to buy.

Stocks and shares? As soon as there is some trouble in any financial sector the shares take a dip.

In a bank? Well, a couple of banks came close to folding, so even that's not safe.

But do you know what was in demand last week? Gold. People were trying to get their money in gold because in times of financial uncertainty metal is a safe investment.

One way to invest in metal is to buy rare coins or buy gold bullion.

Places like United States Gold Bureau have helped tens of thousands of people to invest billions in such assets. They're known as hard assets, and they includes things like rare coins, gold, silver and even platinum bullion.

Cold Snap

This cold snap has been the top news story for days. I love hearing people on the news saying: "We were hoping to sped Xmas in the Caribbean but our flight has been grounded." Oh, my heart bleeds.

I've suffered before of the cold. I had to get a bus into town and the driver was doing vibrato whistling of When A Child Is Born. Oh, the humanity.


I watched the final of this year's Apprentice. It was a pointless episodes. They both make a drink, do well, and then Sir Al (I'm sticking to the old name, it was better) hires based on previous experience.

It's a great show though. Nick is always good value. When you see the faces he pulls during the tasks it makes you think, "I'd love to see what Nick's sex face is like (but not willing to do what's needed to find out)."

Finally Stella won so, good to see Sir Al's a top lad... he gets in the Stellas. Whey!

Beauty Institute

Want to do something for a living that makes the world a better place? Forget about being a global warning scientist or a politician trying to bring about world peace. Be a hair dresser. At least that way you are making the world look better. Your work gives everyone something nice to look at while they're going about their everyday business.

If you are keen to find out about hair schools you should check the Regency Beauty Institute. It's now over 50-years-old and continuing to grow. They have almost 30 campuses across nine states, and they're not stopping there.

The campuses are like upscale salons and that gives you the hands on experiences you need to develop and learn. If you want to find out more go to the Regency Beauty Institute website www.regencybeauty.com.


I just want to say how good Channel 4's Misfits is. I was going to talk about it on Twitter as I was watching but I saw it on E4+1 so it felt like 'soooo' last hour.

It was a great evening of TV. E4 showed the film X Men and then Misfits; basically the same show but with added chavviness.

Royal Wedding

Just as soon as we settle down after the massive news of a royal wedding, along comes another one. They're like buses. I don't have a ticket yet somehow I end up paying for it through tax.

This time it's Zara Phillips who is getting married. I know what you're thinking, "Another royal wedding? Just how many tea towels do they think we need?"


Gold Coins

Gold has been used as an investment for millennia. From the Egyptians over 4,000 years ago decorating their tombs with gold to the Greeks using gold in art, it has been the way that someone's wealth has been marked. And if something works that well, there must be something in it.

It is something that you can still do today. With places on the web like the United States Gold Bureau you can buy gold coins as an investment. You have the gold that they are made of as a commodity, so it's price could go up. And you have the face value which the coins will always be worth at least that much. You can see why it's an idea a lot of people have turned to after the recent economic crisis.

Cup Cake

It was National Cupcake Day this week and I missed it. Shame.

Although that doesn't mean I would've celebrated it even if I knew it was about to happen. I sometimes have a pancake even if it's not Pancake Day, I'm that much of a rebel, so National Cupcake Day was a long shot.

And we live in a world where lots of people will die of obesity related conditions, do we really need a cupcake day? Ever spot someone in the street and think, "Every day is National Cupcake Day for that guy"?

I'll Take You To The Coffee Shop

I do enjoy going out to a coffee shop. It's a great way to get motivated. Get me a coffee shop, a seat near a socket to plug the netbook in, and I'm working.

I have a few gripes though. Like, it's winter and kids still order the ice-based drinks that sound like you're grinding gravel. Seriously, shhh.

People who get a table before they join the queue should be taken outside and shot. Just a warning shot... to the head. I am very strict on this rule.

And sometimes the rubbish weather has meant I can't get out the house to get to the coffee shop. When that happens I miss hearing people talking utter crap while I try to work.

So I just put Loose Women on ITV2. Sorted.



These days you can buy gold coins from places like United States Gold Bureau.

It seems odd when you think about it, you buy coins. That's like spending coins to get coins. The secret is what they are made of. Gold has been doing well as an investment commodity recently. The price has been steadily increasing and the stability of solid, tangible investments isn't lost in the modern world of inflation, recession and austerity.

You can buy gold as coins, have it kept safe in a depository or your own personally storage facility. The coins have a face value, which means there is a minimum level below which they can't drop. But as the value of the gold increases the resale value of the coins goes up.


After Strictly 'Come Dancing/Widdecmbe's' departure and 'X Factor/Mary going' drifted into the past I saw two other topics come to the top of the list. Katona and NSPCC were both on the trending list. Hmm. It's not the first time those words have been in the same sentence. I know. Ouch!

A Little Twitter Update

It's been an interesting day on Twitter. Ann Widdecombe was voted off Strictly Come Dancing and Mary was voted off X Factor. Those were big subjects on Twitter.

Doesn't it seem strange that they both went at the same time? Coincidence? Hmm? Let me put it this way, have you ever seen them both in the same room at the same time?

Real Metals

At the United States Gold Bureau you can buy precious metals as an investment. It's not just silver and gold, other precious metals include platinum, rhodium, even palladium.

The thing about investing in something like a precious metal is that it is real. It is a real, solid object that exists in the real world. It's not like the money invested in a share portfolio because the value of those shares aren't really represented in the real world. If the company stops trading the shares lose all value and that just means the paper that represents those shares no longer has value.

Gold, silver and other metals will always be those bits of metal. The price may go or or down but there is something reassuring that your money, or at least part of your money, is invested in a safe form.

This is why people want to buy silver and buy gold these days. At a time when the modern economical systems seem to be failing, doing things the old way, like the ancients Greeks, suddenly feels like the right option.