
Linux Me Up Baby

Well, an update from the Nerd part of my brain. We had a knackered old computer at work which was left behind my chair, so every time I got up I hit it, and that started to annoy me. but you can't just throw things away that are company property, so I fixed it.

Hard drive was shot, so we did a mean old format and then installed a linux distribution. And then I juiced it up with some VNC bits.

I then plugged it into the network and put the machine under my desk at the back of some drawers. Now I can log onto it VNC-stylee, and control it from there.

here is totally no point in it. We didn't need it at work and I doubt I'll use it, but it's out of my way and now I can limewire while no one's watching.

Nerd update over.

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