
Old News from 31-03-02

A while back I used to write some topical material for radio stations. So, it's way out of date now, but I think it's interesting to have a look back. This is what was in the news back then.

(This was international news)

A council of Afghan elders will meet in June to select a new government. And then they’ll give Frodo the ring.

A powerful earthquake hit Taiwan's capital Taipei. It affected a lot of the building, because they were made in Taiwan.

The 45 Commando Royal Marines are being sent in after Osama Bin Laden. Although they might need more then 45 of them.

A priest has a jamming device to stop mobiles ringing at his Costa Blanca church. It makes sense, because if you have your wedding there you get the reception afterwards.

Kids in America have been eating bogey flavoured jelly beans. The idea was taken from Harry Potter books. At least that was the excuse from the sneezing chef.

A four-man crew is beginning its attempt to set a new world record for circumnavigating the globe in a powerboat. As soon as they get into the Pacific it's down hill all the way.

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