
Drug Detox Rehab

I know a couple who have an interesting view on health. She (the wife of the couple) will go on a rant about man-made chemicals and food preservatives. She says things like, "You can't trust it if it isn't natural. I only trust natural things because Mother Nature makes things for us."

Her world is a black and white world where natural is good, man-made is bad. It is easy to live your life in such a simple way but it is wrong. I hate to be the one to burst her bubble, and I wouldn't if she kept her thoughts to herself, but she is evangelical about it so I feel I have to step up.

Natural is good, man-made is bad, eh? Snake venom is natural, synthetic insulin is man-made. One kills people, one saves the lives of diabetics.

She didn't seem convinced by that but I found an even more complicated example. Have you ever heard of Oxycodone? It's an opioid analgesic. So, it's derived from something that grows naturally. It was developed in 1916 and is classified as a semi-synthetic opioid (so, partly man-made, partly natural). It's used to help people with moderate to severe pain. So that's a good thing, isn't it? Imagine all the people it's helped. It is partly man-made and yet it has helped so many people.

But it has a down side. People can get addicted to it and people need Drug Detox to get over it. Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms can be so bad that people have to seek special treatment centers to get their Oxycontin Detox. Lives can be turned upside down and rehabilitation can be hard work. That shows it can be a bad thing. It's partly natural and yet is can be bad. You see how confusing this is. And it gets worse. The rehabilitation and utilise natural resources and man-made products to work.

So, something partly man-made, partly natural can be both good and bad, and the cure can be both man-made and natural.

If anyone ever tries to make you believe that natural is good, mad-made is bad, just remember that their simple view can't cover all things.

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