
Old News from 01-04-02

A while back I used to write some topical material for radio stations. So, it's way out of date now, but I think it's interesting to have a look back. This is what was in the news back then.

(This was UK news section)

All 89 passengers and five crew have been evacuated from a passenger jet bound for Amsterdam after smoke was detected on board as the flight taxied on an airport runway. Don't they understand, you smoke when you're in Amsterdam, not before!

Ray Houghton has been signed up as a consultant for a new soccer game, Championship Manager 4. It's quite life-like, fairly well animated and is almost as good as the real thing... and so's the game.

Far Left teachers have made their stand against the sanctions on Iraq which are supported by Britain. Including primary school teachers, but they made their stand out of loo rolls and sticky-back plastic.

A new regulation forcing electricity suppliers to obtain up to 10% of their power from green sources by 2010 has been launched. On of the main options is to get power from wind. So Vanessa Feltz has a use after all.

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