
The Power of Stink-Eye Part1

Just been to a coffee shop where the gap between paying for your drink and actually getting that coffee is massive.. It's so long I think they're trading coffee futures. I'm buying coffee at one price and they're waiting for the market to drop before they give me my cappuccino.

The trouble with waiting so long before you get your drink is that you are committed, you have paid for your drink so you can't opt out, but if you are in the shop on your own you can't take your seat yet. So, while I was stood waiting someone walked in with her husband, sent him to queue and nicked the seat I was going to have.

I had to do it. I gave her the stink-eye. I was next in line for the seat and it's not fair to nick it from me, so I stick-eyed like a pro.

And it worked! She saw me stink-eying and she moved away from the table. Stink-eye rules!

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