
Pet Project

We all know the web these days is all about social networking. I think that's ironic as computers were probably invented by people who didn't have social skills and that's why they stayed in working with transistors and software.

But everything comes full circle, so we're back to the social model.

And there's a new social site for you if you're a pet person. Indeed it's called a pet portal, cute.

It'sAnamigo The Pet Social Network and it's at www.anamigo.com

The good thing about this is you can get into it right now and be there at the start. With every other social site it's all up and running and when you join you feel like you don't really belong as people seem to be experts on it with the little codes and shorthand in messages.

But if you get in on the ground floor you can be the ones making suggestions that will turn that site into what it eventually becomes.

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