
Big Brother Blogging

Have you been watching Big Brother? Not a lot of people have been but I have tried to stay on top of the stories.

So, I read a few of them on The Sun's website and because I have an account there I posted a few comments that were basically jokes about the stories. (The place I write jokes for doesn't want Big Brother ones this year so they're going spare.)

My comments appeared on The Sun site (like this) so blogged about the comments on my other blog. I linked to some of the pages where my comments appeared.

Then I noticed I got a bit more webtraffic coming from twitter.com/BigBrotherMad

It's Nasty Nick's Twitter page. He linked to my blog, bless.

So I thought I'd link to him on here.

Basically, I'm blogging about a Tweet about a blog I did about the comments I posted on a site about a TV show I'm not even watching.

The internet is great.

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