
The Final Frontier

Not too long till the new Star Trek film comes out. I was reading an article in a magazine about it and they mentioned how it was ahead of its time with the flip-out communicator. The mag said it was the fore-runner to the mobile phone.

Well, there's another way that Star Trek was good at guessing the future technology. The medical tri-corder. It was a small hand-held device that made the doctor's life so much easier. While we don't exactly have the tri-corder yet the PDA is getting there. With the free medical PDA download from Epocrates physicians can have access to medical information wherever they are.

If you are on-call and you want to know if you can prescribe an antibiotic to a patient who is taking Coumadin you can look it up in seconds.

Next stop: Emergency Medial Holograms.

This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.

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