

Here's a plus side to being me. If I work hard in the week, write more content for the shows than I need, do some pre-recording, I can take Friday morning off. I don't have to be on air till 4pm, so it's Stevie-fun-time!

This Friday I went to the cinema (with my free pass, plus-side to being me part 2) and I saw the film Venus.

It's the best film I've seen in ages. Normally the list of my favourite films of the year is populated with comedies, but this makes it for being the most moving things I've seen, and I'm not often moved. When ET died I just thought, "They get their spare room back."

But, remember I was watching this film, about an old bloke, at 11am on a Friday morning. Basically I was the youngest person in there, it was like an OAP special outing. Don't get me wrong, that's great, nice for them to get out, but...

...less than 15 minutes in the snoring started.

Oh well, more fool them, because if you stay awake through the whole thing you hear 4 really bad swears words and see some boobs. And I hope that's something I'd still stay awake for when I get to that age.

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