
Old News from 02-04-02

A while back I used to write some topical material for radio stations. So, it's way out of date now, but I think it's interesting to have a look back. This is what was in the news back then.

(This was UK news section)

Film fan Sian Thurkettle, from Rugby, who has watched the film ET 773 times has now brought a month long cinema pass cinema for unlimited viewing of the new version. Hasn't she taken ET's advice yet, and gone home!

In Shropshire, a deaf puppy collie is being taught sign language. His owner Margaret Jones said, "So far all he's asked for is some soft long toilet tissue."

A painting of Manchester United legend Denis Law which was stolen from Old Trafford has been recovered in a chip shop. I didn't think it was that kind of oil paining.

A new reports says the Army and police will be drafted in immediately in the event of a future foot-and-mouth outbreak. The last thing you'd want near foot-and-mouth is the pigs.

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