
Twice As Nice Without The Lice

Got head lice? That's not like a 'got milk' thing. I'm not saying you should go out and get some. But if you have them I have some good advice on how to deal with the situation. It's lice advice.

First, it's likely your children are the ones to bring them into the house. One idea would be to get rid of the children to make sure you don't get reinfected, but I guess people won't go with that idea.

Step two is to get some of the advanced treatments that are available these days. For example, in Houston lice treatment services from the Lice Removal Resource Center, Inc, can be found on the stoplicenow.com site.

If you have head lice, nymphs or nits in your family you can get them sorted. Get your heads clean again so you don't keep passing it from one member of the family to another.

And that's my lice advice. How nice.

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