
Car Insurance

I was sat with the other half last week working out our budgets. We're trying to keep an eye on where our money goes, because what with the credit crunch and whatever we thought it would make sense to know where the cash is flowing to.

The one thing that ruined my score was auto insurance. And why does my other half get cheaper car insurance? Because she has two X chromosomes. I have an X and a Y, and as if the higher risk of colour blindness and the shorter life span aren't punishment enough, I have to pay more car insurance.

They why is it when we go anywhere, she wants me to drive?

The statistics that are getting you cheaper insurance are saying you are a safer driver, so for the health of us both surely you should drive, and I should put the seat back and sleep.

So I need a better deal on car insurance. Have a look at www.carinsurancerates.com because you can track down better rates. It's a portal that specialises in helping you get through complications of it all.

And if you get a better rate of car insurance you'll be surprised how much it will improve your monthly budget.

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