
More Budget

Oh, here's another upshot of the budgetary analysis of my own life I did. Bank charges are massive.

You can have the most accurately balanced budget but if you go in the red for half a day your bank will send you a stroppy letter and charge you for the privilege.

What do you think the production costs of such a letter are? Well, there's the stamp, 36p for a first class stamp, because it's urgent.

Then there's the letter itself. You can buy 100 sheets of A4 for £1.50. The envelope is about £1 for 20. Even assuming they have to buy a whole pack of each just to send your letter, and then they throw the rest away, we're up to £2.86.

But they charge you £30. Now, unless they are using some pretty expensive ink, I don't see where that money is going.

The best way round it is to know get the fee in the first place. And to do that you can use payday loans to fill the gap up to the next payday.

If you never go in the red the banks can't send you the most expensive letter you've ever had.

And you don't want one, because while it costs you £30, it's resale value is rubbish. I know, I tried.

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