
Thank Crunchie...

There's a thing in the paper today about how families will be struggling with the increase cost of credit cards because of the credit crunch.

Yes, not only have mortgage rates gone up (and then stayed up even when the nation's interest rate was lowered) but not the interest rates on credit cards are increasing. Hmm.

I'm starting to think that this credit crunch thing is just a good excuse of the lending companies to hike up prices. If you heard all the papers talking about a labour shortage just before you went in to ask for a pay rise you'd ask for that little bit more, wouldn't you?

The worry is that by making out there's a credit crunch they will make on happen. Fewer people will borrow so the economy slows down and then we're all in a recession, including the lending companies.

But for the person on the street, the problems are in the here and now. If you can't pay the credit cards bills you'll get in debt, and getting out of bad debt can be tricky. Have a look at www.nodebttoday.com to see how you can consolidate your debts and improve credit rating.

Hope that helps.

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