You know when you see a news programme and someone has just bee found guilty of some horrendous crime, their neighbours always say, "They were just quiet, and kept themselves to themselves." So you don't want that.
But if you have a bad credit rating trying to get a mortgage can be a nightmare. It's the one thing that means people don't want to give you the money for the house. If you're earning enough and everything else is right, that credit rating is the one thing that stops you. So you could be forced to keep renting which means you keep throwing money away and you will find it harder to get ahead financially. It's a vicious circle.
There are mortgage broker companies that can help people with poor credit. They can help you with mortgages or re-mortgages.
For bad credit re-mortgages have a look at
They have an easy to use website and they have information that can let you know if you could get the money. Then all you have to do is make sure your neighbours aren't too quiet and you'll be sorted.
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