And if you were Ozzy Osbourne you could be happy to know your car isn't an annoying shrew who bothers people with its face.
So, that said, I think we should drop the stigma of being a car lover. Treat it like you would a date. Take it out for a nice meal (that would be a tank full of the good petrol), treat it with respect (unlock the front door before you try to get in the boot), and buy it some thing nice. For that I would suggest number plates.
You can have a personalise plate that has your name, something you are interested in or anything you wanted, just a catchy word, something like that.
Have a look at to see what you can get.
Of cource, if you felt like it, you could just change your name by deed poll to you number plate, but that way you'd have to go through lift being called "JNO 960 V", and that's not worth the hassle.
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